Англичане, помогите выполнить задания.

Добрый день!
Помогите, пожалуйста, сделать задания - не понимаю. Заранее благодарна!

1. Употребите инфинитив с частицей to или без нее.

1. I’ll ask him (to call) back tomorrow.
2. You can persuade the customer (to wait).
3. The teacher makes us (to learn) grammar rules.
4. He allowed me (to come).
5. Let me (to know) if he phones again.
6. You may (to join) us if you wish.
7. Do you need (to send) this letter now?
8. They got me (to sign) the agreement.
9. I hope (to see) you next week.
10. You should (to go) to the gym regularly if you want (to be) fit.

2. Употребите герундий или инфинитив.

1. When sending goods overseas you should consider (using / to
use) different methods of transport.
2. The exporter offered (arranging / to arrange) delivery to the
customer’s place.
3. Producers in this country fail (modernizing / to modernize) and
still use traditional methods.
4. The importer plans (storing / to store) this consignment in a
warehouse for two weeks.
5. The supplier suggested (paying / to pay) for the delivery of the
goods to the container terminal.
6. I am not interested in (reading / to read) this magazine.
7. We don’t enjoy (driving / to drive) the car in winter.
8. The film is worth (seeing / to see).
9. Donna refused (answering / to answer) my question.
10. They promised (delivering / to deliver) the missing details in
three days.

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11 декабря 2013 года 190 4
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Как это будет выглядеть?
Diets.ru Англичане, помогите выполнить задания.
Добрый день!
Помогите, пожалуйста, сделать задания - не понимаю. Заранее благодарна!
1. Употребите инфинитив с частицей to или без нее.
1. I’ll ask him (to call) back tomorrow.
2. You can persuade the customer (to wait).
3. The teacher makes us (to learn) grammar rules.
4. He allowed me (to come).
5. Let me (to know) if he phones again.
6... Читать полностью

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11 декабря 2013 года
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11 декабря 2013 года
1. Употребите инфинитив с частицей to или без нее.

1. I’ll ask him to call back tomorrow.
2. You can persuade the customer to wait.
3. The teacher makes us learn grammar rules.
4. He allowed me to come.
5. Let me know if he phones again.
6. You may join us if you wish.
7. Do you need to send this letter now?
8. They got me sign the agreement.
9. I hope to see you next week.
10. You should go to the gym regularly if you want to be fit.

11 декабря 2013 года
2. Употребите герундий или инфинитив.

1. When sending goods overseas you should consider using different methods of transport.
2. The exporter offered to arrange delivery to the customer’s place.
3. Producers in this country fail modernizing and still use traditional methods.
4. The importer plans to store this consignment in a warehouse for two weeks.
5. The supplier suggested to pay for the delivery of the goods to the container terminal.
6. I am not interested in reading this magazine.
7. We don’t enjoy to drive the car in winter.
8. The film is worth seeing.
9. Donna refused to answer my question.
10. They promised to deliver the missing details in three days.

11 декабря 2013 года
Спасибо огромное!

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