
Результат поиска: найдено 2 материала.

travel 15 июня 2012 года
Tanushka 27
It is very good, what you were in other countries world! You sow other people, beautiful cities, animals, and gardens. It is knowledge of the world.
I like travel in my country! It is also knowledge of the world!
I like travel, but I don’t know English and I haven’t money for travel. I’ve never been to other countries. But when I communication with friends and see their photo, as it I was there! I learn English and little work and I hope I’ll travel!
My friend is Victory come back from London... Читать далее»
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Diveevo 14 июня 2012 года
Tanushka 27
I live in 450 kilometres from Moscow, but it’s not very far for so big country as Russia.I live in Diveevo. Diveevo has the Holy Trinity-St.Seraphim-Diveevo Convent.
The history of the Holy Trinity-St.Seraphim-Diveyevo Convent dates from 1760. Diveevo’s Convent is becoming one of the main centres of the spiritual life of Russia.
The Holy Trinity-St.Seraphim-Diveevo Convent is close to heart of every Orthodox Christian.
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